What does it mean to garden organically? The simple answer is that organic growers dont use synthetic fertilizers or pesticides on their plants. But gardening organically is much more than what you dont do. When you garden organically, you work to create a sustainable and balanced eco system in your garden that starts in the soil and includes the water supply, people, wildlife and even insects. Build your soil: Building soil is the defining act of organic gardening. Add organic matter to the soil to nourish earthworms and other creatures in the soil that break it down into the nutrients plants need. You have the organic organic matter ready, because grass clipings, fall leaves and the veggie scraps from your kitchen are the ideal building blocks of compost, the ideal organic matter for your garden soil. If you add compost to your soil,your already well on your way to creating a beautiful, healthy organic garden. when you prepare the site, loosen the soil with a shovel or garden fork, and add several inches of compost to it. If the soil is sandy, add an extra helping of compost. My Logo for our produce:
I am a randomly zaney room5ian, who loves to: eat chocolate, playing and goof with me mates, and generaly have a good time! I am also a bookworm, and I love being dramaticaly random. (PS I am waffling [again] please ignore, but still visit my blog!)